As with most countries, Rome began as a monarchy. Kings were advised by the Senate, a group of aristocrats who enjoyed special privileges because they were land holders. Land was the ultimate symbol of wealth in Ancient Rome. As the country moved forward it found that the monarchs were not serving the interests of the people. The masses revolted against Tarquin the Proud in 509BC. Thus the Senate became the ruling body. The Roman Republic which lasted for about 500 years was the first example of a self governing nation larger than a city state. The whole country was eventually subject to one set of laws, called the Twelve Tables. The government was a bicameral one, meaning that there were two law making groups. The Roman Senate was made up of higher class citizens known as patricians. This photograph features the Senatorial Palace in Rome.The popular assembly consisted of plebeians, members of the working class. These two bodies are similar in appearance to today's Canadian Houses of Parliament, but in this case the popular assembly had less power than the Senate. Two Consuls were elected annually as magistrates. They each had the power to veto a decision made by the other, thereby instigating a system of checks. As the Republic reformed and grew older, the Council of Plebeians gained more and more power. As the general population grew more and more discontented with the ever widening gap between the rich and the poor, the Republic began to crumble. [JG] {OT}

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