Leslie Magtanong [LM]
Leslie Magtanong hails from Sarnia, Ontario.
Student of Biochemistry at Queen's University.
Leslie Magtanong [LMCI]
Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia, Compton's New Media Inc, 1994
Leslie Magtanong [LMAA,BR]
Academic American Encyclopedia, Grolier Inc., Connecticut, 1994
Britannica Micropaedia Ready Reference Encyclopedia, Britannica Inc., Chicago, 1995
Leslie Magtanong [LMAA,BR,WB]
Academic American Encyclopedia, Grolier Inc., Connecticut, 1994
Britannica Micropaedia Ready Reference Encyclopedia, Britannica Inc., Chicago, 1995
World Book Encyclopedia, World Book Inc., Toronto, 1995.
Leslie Magtanong [LMAA,BR,MS]
Academic American Encyclopedia, Grolier Inc., Connecticut, 1994
Britannica Micropaedia Ready Reference Encyclopedia, Britannica Inc., Chicago, 1995
Merit Students Encyclopedia, MacMillan Education Co., New York, 1990
Leslie Magtanong [LMBR,WB]
Britannica Micropaedia Ready Reference Encyclopedia, Britannica Inc., Chicago, 1995
World Book Encyclopedia, World Book Inc., Toronto, 1995
Leslie Magtanong [LMGE,RH]
Genes V, Benjamin Lewin, Oxford University Press, Toronto, 1994
The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Random House Inc., New York, 1981
Leslie Magtanong [LMCH,RH]
Second Edition Chemistry, P.H.Busch, H.Skull & R.T.Conley, Allyn & Bacon, MA, USA, 1978
The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Random House Inc., New York, 1981
Leslie Magtanong [LMBS,RH]
Biological Science-Principles & Patterns of Life, D.Galbraith & D.Wilson, Holt, Rinehart & Wilson, Canada, 1966
The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Random House Inc., New York, 1981
Leslie Magtanong [LMCC]
Chesterman, Charles W. National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Rocks & Minerals, Chanticleer, New York,
Leslie Magtanong [LMSS]
Simon & Schuster's Guide to Rocks & Minerals, Simon & Schuster Inc., New York, 1978
Leslie Magtanong [LMDE]
The Visual Dictionary of the Earth, Dorling Kindersley, London, 1993
Leslie Magtanong [LMME]
Microsoft Encarta '95, Microsoft Corporation, USA, 1994
Leslie Magtanong [LMMM]
Macintosh Multimedia Encyclopedia Version 4.0, The Software Toolworks, 1992
Leslie Magtanong [LMKG1]
Biological Science Volume 1, W.Keeton & J.Gould, W.W. Norton, New York,1993
Leslie Magtanong [LMCP]
Chemical Principles, Steven Zumdahl, DC Heath & Co., Toronto, 1992
Leslie Magtanong [LMCP,KG1]
Chemical Principles, Steven Zumdahl, DC Heath & Co., Toronto, 1992
Biological Science Volume 1, W. Keeton & J. Gould, W.W. Norton, New York,1993
Leslie Magtanong [LMCP,MM]
Chemical Principles, Steven Zumdahl, DC Heath & Co., Toronto, 1992
Macintosh Multimedia Encyclopedia Version 4.0, The Software Toolworks, 1992
Leslie Magtanong [LMCH,MM]
P.H.Busch, H.Skull & R.T.Conley, 2nd Edition Chemistry, Allyn & Bacon, MA, USA, 1978
Macintosh Multimedia Encyclopedia Version 4.0. The Software Toolworks, 1992
Leslie Magtanong [LMGE,MM]
Lewin, Benjamin, Genes V, Oxford University Press, Toronto, 1994
Macintosh Multimedia Encyclopedia Version 4.0, The Software Toolworks, 1992
Leslie Magtanong [LMCC,SS]
National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Rocks & Minerals, Charles Chesterman, Chanticleer, New York,
Simon & Schuster's Guide to Rocks & Minerals, Simon & Schuster Inc., New York, 1978
Leslie Magtanong [LMVI]
Visions 1, Austen, Braten, Edwards, Miller, Miller, Gage, Toronto, 1992
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